
What I have learnt about myself as an IB Econ Student

56503391Throughout the course of IB Economics, I have grown to learn several basic economic concepts. I feel as though I understand the Economic news much better because I can take the concepts we learn in class and apply them with real world news. My understanding of diagrams has also grown. I am beginning to understand the relationship between supply and demand, and the effects of price floors and price ceilings. The only aspect that I still find challenging is to draw appropriate diagrams that reflect articles that I read. My ability to evaluate articles that I read has also improved since after the test. I was able to evaluate article only to a small extent but after practicing with more data responses, I can expand on the pros and cons more. I find the online triple A textbook very helpful. Every time I have a misunderstanding with an idea that we learn in class, I can easily log on to moodle and familiarize myself with concepts more.

Overall, I see great progression in my understanding of Economics as an IB student. Reading more news articles and getting access to more news on television will certainly help me expand my knowledge of economics.

1 Response to “What I have learnt about myself as an IB Econ Student”

  1. November 2, 2009 at 9:25 AM

    Kanika, I am very pleased with your progress in IB Economics. You are motivated to learn and your knowledge of the theories and concepts is growing. Keep following the news to relate what you have been learning to the real world.

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October 2009